
在那遙遠的地方An Unapproachable Shore

作品標題:在那遙遠的地方  An Unapproachable Shore
作者:潘娉玉  Ping-Yu Pan
國籍:台灣  Taiwan
材料:竹子、其他現地天然素材、麻繩等  Bamboo, jute rope









Artist Background

Taiwanese sculptor Pan Ping-Yu lives and works in Taipei; her mixed media sculptures explore the relationship between myth and contemporary life. She has received fellowship awards from the Asian Cultural Council, the Sino-American Asian Cultural Foundation, and the Asian Artist Fellowship from the Freeman Foundation of Vermont Studio Center in 1999 and 2001, to participate in artist-in-residency programs in San Francisco, New York and Vermont in the USA. Ping-yu has exhibited her work in many solo shows and group shows in Taiwan and internationally since 1995. The Taiwan National Culture and Art Foundation sponsored her first solo show in 1996. She graduated from the National Institute of the Arts in Taipei and earned an MFA from Tainan National College of Arts. She is now on the faculty of the Fine Arts Department of the Taipei National University of the Arts.



作品〈在那遙遠的地方〉與英文標題稍有出入,英文應直譯為「無法到達的彼岸」(An Unapproachable Shore),「遙遠的地方」自然是難以到達的;中英文表達同一個意義的不同說法。〈在那遙遠的地方〉運用橋的意象,以一座無法作用,無法幫助人到達彼岸的橋,來呈現我對於當代生活中,有關距離的矛盾狀態。這座無法作用的橋,象徵著人類試圖征服自然的野心與挫折,以及試圖的溝通、聯繫不同區域的旅程。


Progress in transportation technology, the Internet and communication technology has shortened distances in the world and made the dream of a “global village” come true.  However a contradictory image of “global” has emerged in my mind prompted by some news about polar bears in the North Pole.  Ice melting caused by global warming made a polar bear drown since the distance became too great for him to swim to the next ice mass.  The image of the “global” that may or may not be real and the tension between reality and virtual reality causes a paradoxical phenomenon in distance.  Something seems approachable and unapproachable at the same time.   For “An Unapproachable Shore”, I use the image of a bridge to present the different layers of my idea.  My bridge is not functional, and it cannot help people go over to the other shore.  It acts as a symbol of the human ambition to conquer Nature and the frustration at the impossibility, like a journey of desire to try to communicate with two different worlds.  “An Unapproachable Shore” also marks a question about the illusion of global.  Guandu Nature Park is divided in two parts; one is open to the public, and the other is for preservation.  However, there are short streams, small ponds, and marshes through these areas that literally signify that the former is approachable and the latter is not.  When visitors come to this park, they will appreciate the idea of distance and preservation in Nature.  The idea of an unfinished bridge will be presented in natural materials, but it is only a bridge to see and not a functioning bridge.  “An Unapproachable Shore” also evokes some feelings about distance, the sorts of distance that we deal with in our lives that make us intend to approach dreams, desires, and happiness from reality or virtual reality.

