
2011年「記憶的寶藏」(Treasured Memories)

2011關渡國際自然裝置藝術季藝術季主題「關渡十年  記憶寶藏」

今年關渡國際自然裝置藝術季適逢關渡自然公園十歲生日,主題為「關渡十年 記憶的寶藏」。希望將人類與自然相處的過程,透過藝術的體認傳達至全球,一同讚揚自然之美,讓回憶永恆珍藏在心中。從9月15-30日,5位國內外自然裝置藝術家與自然藝術工作坊,在關渡自然公園就地取材、現場創作,完成6件融合現地環境景觀、可觸摸互動、亦可供生物利用的大型藝術作品,並於10/1日起盛大開幕。時間、風、雨、動物、植物及人類,將與這些作品互動,並留下痕跡,成為作品呈現的一環,最後這些作品將依循大自然萬古不變的法則,隨著時間的流逝及自然的演替而分解,最終回歸大地。

2011 Guandu International Outdoor Sculpture Festival “A Decade in Reflection, Guandu’s Treasured Memories.”

This year, the Guandu International Sculpture Festival coincides with Guandu Nature Park’s 10th birthday. The Festival is thereby titled "A Decade in Reflection, Guandu’s Treasured Memories." We intend to record the process of human-nature coexistence through art, and communicate it to the world. While praising the beauty of nature in concert, it is our hope that those memories will be preserved eternally. From September 15-30, five local and international outdoor installation art artists and at the Nature Art Workshop, participants will be using materials found in Guandu Nature Park to create site-specific installations. The goal is to complete 6 large scale installations that will blend into the landscape around them, allow visitors to touch and interact with, and serve some sort of function for living organisms. The exhibition will start on the 1st of October. Time, wind, rain, animals, plants and humans will interact with these works, and leave traces, presented as part of the work. Ultimately, these works will follow the eternal and immutable law of nature, with the passage of time and natural succession, decompose and return to the earth.

