
築‧棲Construct Dwell

作品標題:築‧棲  Construct Dwell
作者:黃廣華  Huang Kuang-hua
國籍:台灣  Taiwan
材料:樹幹樹枝、落葉、竹子、鐵絲、繩子、粘著劑、藤編物  Bamboo, leaves, rope and string, glue, rattan work








Artist Background

Huang Kuang-hua is a graduate student in architecture at the Tainan National University of the Arts.  He is member of an architectural group in Taiwan called “Interbreeding Field” and they have done many projects including a Taiwan pavilion for the Venice Biennale.   As a member of this group called "interbreeding field", he believes that the attitude of "learning while making" is an important experience that cannot be neglected.  The Interbreeding Field aims to explore materials, and during this process of exploration questions why we need creativity and imagination.  He sees the emotional expressions of the arts as the interactions between feeling and intellect.





The meaning of the character "zhu" in Chinese is “the way,” or the ultimate way that people should behave.  People seek a space for living and for protection.  A tree house or nest is a kind of shape of this type of space.  Architecture creates the relationship between people and space.  It aims to give the spectator a real physical sense of his/her body in a space and to further evoke a "space" memory by breaking down the routine thinking of the spectator, or even semi-coercing him/her to question and rethink the pertinent issues of space, body, memory, and nature.  Using natural materials I create an "imitating-nature" space, like a tree house or nest, People will experience this work in different ways because they are at different levels.  Also, people’s perception will be changed to some extent by their field of vision and the use of all of their sense organs.  This space will give them a new kind of experience.

