
徵求2016年藝術家 Call for Artists

enlightenedSubmission deadline has been extended to July 31, 2016

2016 關渡國際自然藝術季
Guandu International Nature Art Festival

“Based on a True Story”


收件截止 Deadline for Entries | July 20 31, 2016 new!
結果公告 Result Announce | August 1 8, 2016 new!
進駐時間 Residency Date | September 20-November 7, 2016





Guandu Nature Park is inviting entries to 2016 Guandu International Nature Art Festival “Based on a True Story” in Taipei, Taiwan. The selected 5 artists will create their artworks in a natural setting using only natural or eco-friendly materials during a 7-week residency in the Guandu Nature Park. Artists who are concerned about local and global environmental situations are welcome to apply before the deadline on July 20th 31st, 2016.

Guandu Nature Park has held the Guandu International Outdoor Sculpture Festival for the past 10 years (2006-2015). This event is Taiwan’s first large-scale environmental art project held in a nature conservation park. It is rooted in Guandu wetland which is rich in estuary culture and ecological value. The aim of this annual Festival is to create dialogues between people, art and nature. Through the discussion of our relationship with the natural environment, we hope to restore the balance between modern society and nature.

From 2016, our project title is changed into the Guandu International Nature Art Festival. On our existing foundation, we will keep on exploring the possibilities for a sustainable future and adopting a more proactive approach to ask people to take action for this future. There will be a 3-step strategy: to comprehend, to connect, and to coexist. In 2016, we’re going to put emphasis on comprehending the real situation of nature.



我們可引用生物學家愛德華.威爾森(E. O. Wilson)所採用的縮寫"HIPPO",來歸納我們所關注對於生物多樣性威脅的議題:棲地破壞(habitat loss, H)、外來入侵種(Invasive species, I)、汙染(Pollution, P) 、人口成長(Population growth, P) 、過度採集(Overharvesting, O)。我們鼓勵藝術家選擇詮釋其中一個特定議題,結合田野訪查的結果來設計作品,田野訪查的結果可來自於藝術家自己現地收集,或是由關渡自然公園研究人員提供。

Nature speaks to us in many ways - visually, audibly, or physically. This year, we choose the theme “Based on a True Story” in hope to listen carefully to the hidden messages behind what we perceive. We invite artists to cooperate with our research staff who devoted to the management and conservation of wetland biodiversity. With the help of our researchers, artists will first have a 10-day field study to better knowing the ecological, historical and cultural situations of Guandu and then choose a proper location in Guandu Nature Park to create site-specific artworks in 30 days that can enhance the public to comprehend the actual environmental situations around us.

We can further summarize issues we concern by adopting biologist E. O. Wilson’s acronym for the threats to biodiversity: HIPPO. HIPPO stands for habitat loss (H), invasive species (I), pollution (P), population growth (P), and overharvesting (O). Artists are encouraged to interpret a specific issue through combining field study result and their artwork. The field study result can come from themselves or the Park’s research.


Guandu Nature Park

55, Guandu Road, Beitou District, Taipei City, 11261 TAIWAN (R.O.C.)




Located at the junction of Tamshui River and Jilong River, Guandu Nature Park is a nature park of wetland preservation with landscape consisting of an integrated wetland environment of swamp and pond. It is a great inhabitation for a rich variety of organisms, as well as an important pass-by stop for migratory birds in their annual migration route. Hence, it has been recognized by BirdLife International as an “Important Bird Area” (IBA). The park, authorized by Taipei City Government, is currently administrated under the Wild Bird Society of Taipei (WBST) and devotes care to wetland and wild birds’ conservation.

Some parts of the Park are open for general public to visit, but most areas are preservation for birds and other wild creatures which are restricted for public access. Visitors can observe these wild creatures via telescope or attend the guided tour arranged by the Park in order to visit the restricted areas. In addition, the Park has designed many environmental education programs that give opportunities to people to interact with nature and acknowledge the importance of environmental preservation.

We will select 5 artists to create his/her installation in the main area of Guandu Nature Park. Main Area is the region of the Park which opens for the public with admission hours and fees. It includes the Visitor Center, birdwatching cabins, ponds, trails, and other educational facilities. There are various sites to choose in Main Area.


Sep. 20 藝術家抵達
Artists arrive in Taiwan
Sep. 21-30 環境認識/歡迎餐會/田野訪查
Venue tour/Welcome party/Field study
Oct. 01-07 作品創作計畫修改/材料準備
Artwork proposal modification/Material preparation
Oct. 08-31 創作期/藝術家分享會
Period of installation/Artist talk
Nov. 01-04

Preparation for the opening

Nov. 05-06


Opening Weekend

Nov. 07 藝術家離開
Artist depart
Dec. 31 作品展期結束
End of the exhibition
  • 每週一為休息日。
  • 創作期適逢兩大活動,主辦單位將邀請藝術家共襄盛舉,體驗賞鳥年度盛事與社區踩街活動:
  • 時程如有更動以主辦單位通知為準,並即時於關渡自然公園網站公布。
  • Monday is a rest day.
  • During the creation period, we will invite artists to attend another 2 events which will be held in Guandu Nature Park and Guandu community:
  • Any changes to the current timetable will be made in accordance with notifications from the organizer, and will be announced on the official website of Guandu Nature Park.


  • 藝術家需對自然、人文與環境間關係感興趣,並承諾不會於創作過程傷害環境。
  • 藝術家應對於與生態研究人員合作以更加了解環境感到興趣。
  • 應具有一些和居民、志工、學生一起工作、合力完成作品的經驗,並且能引導一般民眾參與在藝術創作的過程。
  • 外國籍藝術家須具備基本英語溝通能力,以利與關渡自然公園策展團隊溝通。
  • 願意進行有關創作經驗與作品的分享。
  • Candidates should be interested in the relationship between nature, human, and environment and committed not to harm the environment during artwork creation.
  • Candidates should also have an interest in cooperating with scientists to understand the real situation of our environment.
  • Candidates should have experiences in working with volunteers, local residents, or students. While working on their artworks, they should be able to spark interest of general public to participate in the process of such artistic creation.
  • For the foreign candidates, it is required to have basic English conversation skills to communicate with the staff of Guandu Nature Park and the ability to mingle with other artists, local residents, and students.
  • Candidates should prepare a presentation to share their experience and previous artworks.


  • 藝術家費用:新台幣6萬元整。
  • 機票:藝術家從國籍地出發抵臺北(桃園國際機場)的經濟艙來回機票費用。護照、簽證等其他費用不在補助範圍內。提供抵達第一天由機場至住宿飯店(下午3點入住)的接駁。已在臺灣之藝術家,則提供居住地往返至台北市關渡自然公園之交通補助(國內機票、高鐵、台鐵、客運、捷運等,需保留完整憑證)。
  • 住宿:2016年9月20日至11月7日,藝術家入住獨立住宿空間(含衛浴)。若有隨行親友,需依照飯店的規定自行負擔衍生之住宿費及餐費。
  • 材料:主辦單位協助尋找現地自然材料或環境友善素材進行藝術創作。主辦單位將有一筆藝術家共享之材料預算,用於購買如麻繩、天然顏料、竹子等材料,有購買材料需求之藝術家需事先與策展人溝通。
  • 餐食:飯店提供自助式早餐、園區提供工作天中餐。晚餐費用自理。
  • Artist’s fee. NTD$ 60,000 for each artist.
  • A round-trip airfare (economy class). From artist’s residency country to Taiwan. The reimbursement does not include the costs associated with passport & visa expenses. An airport pick-up will be provided on the arrival day.
  • Accommodation. From September 20, 2016 (check -in) to November 7, 2016 (check-out). Each artist will receive accommodation in a single room with individual bathroom. For anyone accompany the artist, an additional bed and meal will be charged by the hotel accordingly.
  • Materials support. The organizer will assist to collect on-site natural materials (e.g. reed, wood, stone, bamboo, leaf etc.) or recycled objects. The organizer has a shared budget for all artists for purchasing materials like hemp ropes, eco-paints, bamboo etc. Artists who need to purchase materials must consult with the curator first.
  • Meals. Buffet breakfast will be served at the hotel. Lunch will be provided by Guandu Nature Park every working day. Dinners are not included. The average cost for a meal in Taiwan is between NTD$ 80- 300.



  • 個人履歷:請包含您的背景與經歷、過往獲獎或展覽紀錄。請記得附上您的全名、目前聯絡地址、電話與國籍。
  • 參展動機:請以一頁內容說明您的參與動機,以及您特別感興趣的環境議題。
  • 作品提案:包含簡短概念說明以及草圖,藝術家將可在田野訪查之後修改作品設計,始之更符合場地條件。
  • 作品集:請介紹六件您之前的作品,內容須包含作品名稱、創作年份、創作媒材、展出地點,並附上作品完成照。

E-mail the following files to: festival@gd-park.org.tw (before the deadline on July 20th, 2016)

  • Personal CV. Include your background and experience, awards, and past exhibitions. Be sure to include your full name, current mailing address, phone number, and nationality.
  • Your motivations. Explain why you want to apply for our event and the specific environment issues that you care about. (max. 1 page)
  • An installation proposal. Include a brief description and a simple sketch. Artists can refine or modify their proposal to fit the space after the field study and site observation.
  • A portfolio of your previous artworks. Please introduce 6 of your previous related works with details of title, date of completion, the material used, and venue where they were exhibited.

文件請以doc. 或 pdf檔案格式提供,圖片請以jpg. 或 jpeg.格式提供,每張圖片檔案請介於500KB 至1MB間
We will only accept doc. or pdf files for document and jpg. or jpeg. files for images. The size of each images file should be between 500KB to 1MB.

創作思考與規定 Guidelines and Requirements

  • 使用友善環境素材:決選出的藝術家即將在指定場所進行戶外創作,藝術家僅限使用天然的或環保回收的材料,確保作品在創作過程不對環境造成傷害,並考慮到作品結束後可以被回收分解、回歸自然。作品如需上色僅限使用天然顏料。
  • 優先使用在地材料:藝術作品材料必須優先考量基地內可取得的自然材料。
  • 作品安全性是首要考量。所創作的作品要能於戶外持續展示至少3個月以上,並可耐受9-12月的颱風季節與豪雨侵襲。作品設計要表現出隨著時間演變的趣味。展出作品將由關渡自然公園保有決定權,回歸自然或進入回收或因安全考量而拆解。
  •  藝術家在臺創作過程將與在地民眾、藝術志工共同進行製作。
  • Use only environment-friendly materials.
  • Use local materials first.
  • Stability and secureness: Safety is our first priority. The artwork should be made to last at least 3 months or more. It should also be designed to weather gracefully over time and reveal the different stages as it decays. For safety concerns, the Park retains the authority to dispose or dismantle the artwork.
  • Community involvement: Artists will work with volunteers and local residents to create their artworks. Public participation is one of the key elements of this event.


公共事務部 冉挹芬組長 (Ms. Yi-Fen Jan)
+886-2-28587417 ext. 230 


If you have any question or need more information about Guandu Nature Park, please do not hesitate to contact us.

enlightenedSubmission deadline has been extended to July 31, 2016

Download the Open Call 
