
遷‧徙Flock of Birds


Merijn Vris/Netherlands
Flock of Birds
bamboo, grass, reeds or rice straws




馬倫.維瑞(1971年生)來自荷蘭北部的葛洛寧恩,並受教於葛洛寧恩漢沙大學,米娜瓦學院的藝術傳播系。他曾在多個國際藝術節活動中發表地景藝術作品,例如在荷蘭Terschelling島上舉辦的年度盛會Oerol平衡藝術節,在德國路德維西港的作品Waterline,以及在荷蘭德倫特省的作品” 懸水”,您可以到www.merijnvrij.nl觀賞他的作品



Since his childhood Merijin Vrij says he has been inspired by the beauty of nature. Later as an artist it was a logical step for him to build land-art installations and use nature as the main inspiration for  his sculptures.

Merijn Vrij (b. 1971),  is a Dutch artist living in Groningen in the northern part of the Netherlands, in North-Western Europe. He was educated at Hanze University Groningen, Academy Minerva, Art and Communication (1993-1997). His previous land-art installations for international festivals include Oerol (‘Balance’), an annual site-specific festival held on the Dutch island of Terschelling, InselPark Ludwigshafen am Rhein in Germany (‘Waterline’) and Art in Nature Drenthe in the Netherlands (‘Hanging Water’). You can see more of his works at www.merijnvrij.nl. 

In 2009 his planned projects include exhibitions in the Netherlands, Great Britain, Germany and Denmark. Vris’s work is site-specific. Natural surroundings together with the social and historical context inspire him. With his sculptures he adds an extra dimension to the location. He uses for his installations topical natural material often combined with cultural material, including materials like willow, oak, plants and trees, and man-made material like concrete, metal and shrink film. Recurring themes in his work are tension, movement, water and light. The intervention of people and natural elements like wind or growth can be a welcome addition to his work. Merijin Vrij says that he likes it when the public mixes with his work and experiences his installation together with its surroundings. In the end, he says that he wants his installations to fit in the site where they are built showing an extra dimension and giving a suprise to the beholder.

Vris is looking forward to building his installation and working together with the volunteering assistants, the staff and the organization of Guandu Nature Park and meeting the public at the Festival. This will be his first trip to Taiwan.




「遷徙」的創作理念是從成群的飛鳥出發,看著他們四面八方的翱翔於田野與水面之上,宛如 一幅奇妙的美景。來來去去數不盡的飛鳥們,就如一波波的浪花般,不斷的朝著岸邊奔騰,轉眼間又一刻不停的揚長而去。就像隨風飄逸的種子,四處飄泊。候鳥的遷徙本身雖不像鳥兒的飛舞那麼亮麗,但卻是更引人暇思。一波波此起彼落的鳥兒們有的要來關渡落足,有的將啟程前往地球另一端的棲息處。成群的鳥兒們完全不受限於人類所製造的疆界。飛鳥們不像人類一樣,對這塊土地沒有牽掛,而是順其自然的隨風而去。



My installation for Guandu Nature Park is inspired by the natural phenomenon of bird migration and the flying pattern created by flocks of birds. Nature is always - together with the context of the site - the inspiration for my work. Because the Guandu Nature Park is a park where many birds live, it was clear to me that birds together with the topical materials would provide the inspiration and the shape of my sculpture.

My idea for the installation at Guandu Nature Park is inspired by the way large groups of birds fly. To me their unpredictable way of flying that can be seen above land, fields and water is a wonderful sight. A group of birds – flock of birds – comes and goes like an ocean wave, moving toward the shore and then receding, looking like an organic mass taken by the wind. A less hectic sight but even more interesting is bird migration where birds fly in (wavy) strings from or to their new spot on earth. Birds are not limited by man made borders or property lines. They show no cultural binding with land as humans do. Birds are free to go wherever nature brings them.

The sculpture is built out of topical material: waving horizontal strings of reed, grass and bamboo woven onto a group of vertical large poles of bamboo. Depending on the materials and the surroundings, the final shape and pattern will be modified on the site.

The installation is inspired by a flock of birds, but at the end it will be an autonomous work, free to be filled in and experienced by the beholder. 



