
能量中心Energy Center


Roy Staab/USA
Energy Center
bamboo, grasses, and renewable materials








從1979年起,羅伊對地球的敏銳感受,以就地取材利用當地材料而發揮的空間藝術裝置成了短暫的地景雕塑品,最後都回歸自然。他用文件,其中來自自己所擁有的照片來證明他的作品。這些照片是他曾參展多次的展覽品。他的作品獨樹一格在於它們的結構性和幾何圖形的概念,成立在自然中,提供一個合理的相對結構, 使觀者有所啟發。 效果彷彿是立起一面鏡子表現自然,提醒我們在這作品裡存在的意涵。

斯泰伯受邀的創作裝置在日本、芬蘭和義大利等國家。同時他也建造特定區域的作品在許多地方,包括:中央公園/紐約、東漢普敦、長島、鱈魚角、麻州藝術廳和義大利。他的近期特定區域委任的有日本的札幌、北海道、哈德遜河博物館、紐約 加拿大的魁北克和皇家植物園、漢彌敦、丹麥等。他的繪畫、素描和攝影皆可見於各博物館收藏中。 有現代藝術博物館、 紐約及密爾沃基藝術博物館等。接下來的展覽還有在紐約市密爾沃基大學的藝廊和麻州的省盟藝術博物館。

斯泰伯身為一名雕塑家來自美國中西部,曾待過巴黎和紐約、 洛伊、史塔布現今定居在美國的密爾沃基。他畢業於藝術學校-密爾沃基科技學院和威斯康辛大學。 並榮獲多項殊榮有來自日美藝術家交流創作藝術會員獎 Pollack/Krasner獎助金、Gottlieb基金會獎和Joan Mitchell基金會獎。

Roy Staab’s earth-sensitive site-specific installations use locally available materials and result in ephemeral earthworks that eventually devolve back into nature, since 1979. He documents his work with his own photography, which he has exhibited in numerous shows. His works stand out for their structural and geometric concerns. Set into nature, they provide a rational counter-structure that edifies the viewer. The effect is one of holding a mirror to nature, reminding us of the context within which the artwork resides.

Staab has been invited to create installations in Japan, Finland and Italy, and he has built site-specific pieces in many places including Central Park, New York; in East Hampton, Long Island, on Cape Cod, MA; and at Arte Sella in Italy. His recent site-specific commissions include Free Space Praha in Saporo, Japan; Otofuke Culture Center in Japan; the Hudson River Museum of Yonkers, New York; Boreal Art Nature in Quebec, Canada; Royal Botanical Gardens, Hamilton, Canada;  and Marbaek Beach near Esbjerg, Denmark. His paintings, drawings and photographs can be found in the collections of the Musée d'art moderne and Le fonds national d'art contemporain in Paris, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and the Milwaukee Art Museum. Upcoming exhibitions will be at INOVA Art Gallery, University of Wisconsin; Ecoartspace East, New York City; and Provincetown Art Association Museum, MA, USA.

A sculptor from the Midwest who has lived in Paris and New York, Roy Staab now lives in Milwaukee, WI, USA. He was educated at the Layton School of Art, Milwaukee Institute of Technology and the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee.  Staab has received various awards including a Japan/American Artist Exchange Creative Artist Fellowship, Pollack/Krasner Grant, Gottlieb Foundation Award and the Joan Mitchell Award.

「能量中心」是地球旋轉的動力來源,就像熱空氣造成的渦流或是龍捲風引起的水柱一樣,莊嚴的象徵著宇宙的和諧。 光線在此扮演著很重要的角色,照亮了平坦又黑暗的大地。從平靜的水面上,倒影使得原來的單一個體配成雙雙對對。帶著翅膀的中心在高空中捕捉著風,如同將捉摸不定的生命,靜止於天然的青草編織而出的作品中。



“ENERGY CENTER” is a vortex of earth’s forces like a swirl of hot air or a waterspout -- the round royal symbol of universal unity. Light plays on the forms over the dark flat earth and doubles in volume with its reflection when it is above the calm water.  The feathered center reaches high to catch the sky and wind, as if subtle life is still in the natural grasses that make up the work.   

This work is made of renewable grasses and bamboo that grow nearby.  For me it is good to use this sustainable materials harvested in a controlled way, to grow again next year. These grasses are bundled into lines with a natural fiber cord to stand up to the natural forces for a while. The bundled lines that make-up the work stand on measured legs and are held in place with used chopsticks, a recycled material having a second purpose.

Light will play with the work through the day blending and contrasting it with its background; bright in the bland flat light of midday and with colored hues in early morning and late afternoon sun. 





