作品標題:活水迷宮 Water Maze
作者:班‧塔分德 Benjamin Taffinder
國籍:英國 British
材料:抽水幫浦、水管、竹子與細繩 Bamboo, boat pumps, plastic pipe, twine, water
Artist Background
Ben currently lives and works as an artist in Cornwall, England. He has also worked in farming, fishing, and on conservation and sustainable development programs at home and abroad. Having graduated with a sculpture degree from Falmouth College of Arts in 2005, his work has been developing through his close contacts with nature. He draws, makes sculptures, and recently began using sunlight and river flow to complete outdoor installations in Korea and India.
Water is the park’s connecting element, and I am using it to create an interactive artwork. Visitors are encouraged to use fixed boat pumps to lift water from the pond or marsh to a high outlet where it falls, bringing to life a maze of bamboo channels, pipes and flippers as it flows back down to it’s source. This piece is meant to be fun for groups of visitors – especially children – and encourages teamwork because the more people involved in pumping, the greater the sensory effect will be. In relying on public interaction to function, I hope the work draws attention to a very simple, very important piece of our world. I want to create something that sensitively expands visitor’s perceptions of the water upon which all the reserve’s wildlife, and of course we ourselves depend.