
夢想的翅膀In My Dreams I Can Fly

作品標題:夢想的翅膀  In My Dreams I Can Fly
作者:凱倫‧凡德‧摩蘭  Karin van der Molen
國籍:荷蘭  Holland
材料:竹子、蘆葦與細繩  Bamboo, reeds, twine










Artist Background

After a long and tedious student career in university and her law studies finished, Karin suddenly had the great urge to work with her hands. That is how she started to work in the creative field in the beginning of the 1990’s. At first Karin worked as a graphic designer, but when she got to the limits of her creative freedom she started painting in 1995.  She continues this activity to this day. Living close to nature she became interested in working with natural materials. Since a few years ago Karin has been alternating her painting and ‘sculpting’ activities. Also, she works together with her partner Pat van Boeckel, organizing art projects and making documentary films.





Making art means possibility to me - possibility to discover many, if not all, layers of life, the world, history and the here and now.  Painting gives me the opportunity to escape from the world of 2 x 2 = 4.  It gives me the possibility to make the invisible visible, with room for mystery, but mostly connected to themes I work with.  As I moved from the city to an old farm close to a nature preserve, my interest awoke to work with natural materials.  I started to create large objects, mostly made of willow twigs.  These objects relate to our sometimes difficult, but always most needed, connection to nature.  Although in form maybe more abstract than my paintings, I feel the objects communicate their meaning more directly.  Even working on them is very direct, physically and spiritually.  They grow in a non-painful way (as opposed to the sometimes hard and lonely struggle in my painting activities).  The materials, the work, the objects and their meaning are very closely linked.  Also the places where they are exhibited, mostly in nature preserves or parks, stimulate a direct contact between art, nature and visitors.  That is why I intensely love working in these kinds of projects.


